Íslenski Sjávarklasinn kemur til með að kynna á TCI 2013 ráðstefnunni í Kolding í Danmörku dagana 3. til 6. september. Ráðstefnan, sem er sú fremsta á sviði klasaþróunar í heiminum, er vettvangur fyrir hugmyndamiðlun og nýsköpunarsamstarf milli klasa víðsvegar um heiminn.

Yfir 200 klasastjórar, fyrirtæki, ráðgjafar, stjórmálamenn og fræðimenn frá yfir 40 löndum munu koma saman á ráðstefnunni, sem býður upp á afar gagnvirka þátttöku.

Sjá nánar á www.tci2013.com.The Iceland Ocean Cluster will give a presentation in the leading international conference on cluster development in the world, organized annually by the TCI Network. The conference will be held in Kolding, Denmark, 3-6 September 2013.

Organized in collaboration between The Region of Southern Denmark, REG X – The Danish Cluster Academy, University of Southern Denmark, The Triangle Region Denmark, The Danish German Growth Region Project and the Municipality of Kolding, the 4-day event is an inspiring platform for fast exchange of trends and ideas on innovation partnerships for clusters to enhance regional competitiveness.

More than 200 cluster practitioners, consultants, policy makers and academics from 40 countries and institutions like UNIDO, World Bank and European Commission, among others, will gather to advance the understanding of strategic innovation partnerships in clusters and to work towards practical solutions.

A mix of inspiring plenary presentations, PechaKuchas, cluster labs and tours, global coffee, makes up a highly interactive programme where over 120 speakers will contribute.

See more at www.tci2013.com