Nýverið birtist rannsókn í tímaritinu Business and Management Research um hvernig íslensk tæknifyrirtæki í Íslenska sjávarklasanum hafa byggt upp sitt tengslanet og hver möguleg áhrif stofnunar klasans hafi haft á tengslanet og viðskiptatækifæri fyrirtækjanna. Greinin nefnist: The Relationship Networks of Entrepreneurs and the Effects of A Formation of An Industry Cluster on Their Relationships.  Í greininni er bent á að klasinn hafi stækkað tengslanet fyrirtækjanna.

Greinina má lesa í heild á:  http://www.sciedu.ca/journal/index.php/bmr

In a recent article by dr. Thor Sigfusson in Business and Management Research,  marine technology entrepreneurs in Iceland are examined.  The article discusses how the entrepreneurs build their business network relationships and the effects of the formation of the Iceland Ocean Cluster on their relationships. This study finds that a formation of an industry cluster of marine technology entrepreneurs enhances the weak ties of the entrepreneurs and their skills in developing these weak relationships.

See:  http://www.sciedu.ca/journal/index.php/bmr