Dr. Thor Sigfusson, founder of the Iceland Ocean Cluster, has been appointed by Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson, Minister of Environment, Energy, and Climate as a chairman of a newly formed committee tasked with presenting proposals for the implementation of a circular economy.

Kristinn Arni Lar Hrobjartsson and Kristin Soffia Jonsdottir will serve as executive directorsGudmundur B. Ingvarsson and Kjartan Ingvarsson will work with the committee on behalf of the Ministry of Environment, Energy, and Climate.

The government emphasizes the importance of implementing a circular economy in this country in order to meet climate goals and achieve carbon neutrality. Changes to the law on waste management, the law on processing fees, and the law on hygiene and pollution prevention, among other things, will go into effect at the end of the year, which should contribute to a circular economy. The policy towards a circular economy, which is an overall waste policy, was published last year, and numerous measures have been put in place for the coming years.

The committee’s proposals for implementing a circular economy will include, among other things, the following:

  • How can the implementation of a circular economy in this country be sped up as much as possible?
  • Enhanced collaboration among the state, municipalities, and private parties to promote an active circular economy.
  • That the economy will be a leader in implementing a circular economy in collaboration with state and local governments.
  • How to foster an open and transparent waste market in order to foster innovation in this country.

This truly is good news for the circular economy. More about this story here.